Beef freshly marinated with our unique blend of spices, served on a generous bed of Hummus, served with...
Sautéed eggplant, onion, carrots, tomatoes, zucchini, squash, cauliflower, broccoli, celery, mushrooms, red &...
Salmon fillet seasoned and grilled to perfection over an open flame.
A palate-pleasing selection of hummus, baba ganuj, tabouleh & falafel. Served with a side of Tzatziki Sauce....
Tuna steak seasoned & grilled to order over an open flame.
Skinless half chicken marinated in garlic, lemon juice & Mediterranean spices, grilled & baked with...
Char grilled choice lamb chops marinated with rosemary, Middle Eastern spices & extra virgin olive oil,...
Gyro & Chicken Shawarma. Served with a side of Tzatziki Sauce.
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