The creamy, tangy taste of feta pairs perfectly with the salty, briny flavor of olives.
Basmati rice is Lebanese rice that is served as an appetizer. It is cool and refreshing, and makes a great side...
Greek filo dough stuffed with spinach, feta cheese & ricotta. Served with a side of Tzatziki Sauce.
Ground chickpeas, onion, parsley, garlic, special seasonigs fried to perfection.
Slices of fried sheep's milk cheese served with sautéed tomatoes, bell peppers & onions.
Ground lamb & beef with tomatoes & spices baked on pita bread. Served with a side of Tzatziki Sauce.
This Tzatziki Dip is the perfect accompaniment to any dish! It is cooling, refreshing anxtrad has a beautiful...
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